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To change your password, please enter the new one below. We do suggest a password with a high level of security. Your password must be between 8 and 10 characters and alphanumeric.
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From a locker
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Please note all estimates are based on the information provided, actual billing might differ from estimation. Estimates are not stored, and all estimates are not valid longer than 24hours.
For any additional queries regarding your estimate please contact your Sales Representative or our National Contact Centre on 0861 80 30 80 or send an email to For International Shipments please contact our Internationals Department on 087 067 0169 or send an email to for further assistance. All international estimates exclude VAT and Duty and additional surcharges that might incur.
Please note the DSV Credit Card and EFT Payment options have been decommissioned. You will need to open a DSV account to continue shipping with DSV.
Note: To open a business account services of over R10 000pm needs to be in operation
Thank you for submitting your request. The national sales team will be in contact with you within the next business day.